Rack PDUs and ATS
XPDU series Eaton PDU

Contact Info: (800) 616-2335

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Eaton Enclosure Power Distribution Units (ePDU)

Effectively distribute power to 4 to 45 receptacles in high-density rack environments. The plug-and-play architecture organizes power distribution, simplifies cable management, and lets you add and change IT equipment without an electrician. With this tiered product family, you can select the desired combination of features and power rating for each application.

Eaton's line of ePDUs are Cisco EnergyWise certified!

Features and benefits:

  • Outlet level monitoring with high accuracy display
  • Color coded section labeling
  • Advanced LCD display
  • Managed units offer outlet level power switching (on/off/reboot)

Call us a 800.616.2335 for a quote!

ePower Rack PDUs and ATS by Eaton