Epower Network

Contact Info: (800) 616-2335

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ePower Network offers thermal imaging of electrical systems and distribution to ensure safety of personnel & equipment from any unforeseen or potential hazards due to electrical short circuits or overloading of the electrical system. This service uncovers any potential points of failure of the electrical system that may lead to disruption of the electrical service and business operation.



ePower Network provides visual representation of excessive equipment temperatures that may be a result of an overload condition, electrical load imbalance, loose connection, corrosion or misalignment.

Certified Thermographers

We ensure adherence to industry best practices and that our Thermographers are trained and certified.

Instrument Calibration

It's our policy that our instruments and power quality tools are calibrated annually to ensure testing accuracy. These documents are available to our clients upon request.

Evaluation of Electrical Infrastructure

ePower Network provides you with a complete understanding of the integrity of your electrical system, while assisting you to locate any root cause anomalies.

Non-disruptive testing method

Thermograpy is by far the least disruptive preventive maintenance measure to your electrical system while providing, in some cases, the most valuable data and performance measures of the electrical system.


  • Imaging of UPS main input feeder breaker and all UPS output distribution breakers, electrical panels or Power Distribution Units
  • Digital photos of equipment identified as exhibiting high temperatures with the corresponding thermal image
  • Electrical readings for circuits identified as exhibiting high temperature
  • Visual inspection of equipment for damages, proper labeling and installation
  • Thermal assessment report that identifies problem areas based on analysis performed using visual inspection, digital photography and thermal imaging. The report will include any recommendations